US client review of mobile paint booth, a small booth can be your go-to booth for almost any need when it comes to small workspaces and SMART repairs.
What is up guys welcome back to Overspray. In today's video we're going to be doing a review and demonstration and discussion of a inflatable spray booth, a couple you guys we're interested in a couple videos that I did with the mobile paint booth, so in this video I'm actually going to be putting it to use and let me know if it's worth the money.
So first and foremost you guys could see that I'm pretty much setting up the booth all by myself and really there's no need to have two people but you know it does help obviously if you have more than one person helping you usually two people is a good amount of people to help you, and honestly the time it took for this spray booth to get fully inflated was pretty much under three minutes that's from you know unloading it and putting it out of the bringing it out of the truck and then bringing out the blowers in and actually inflating it so from zero to fully inflated now.
I probably would highly recommend it it's just gonna improve the amount of overspray that's actually inside the spray booth. So I can't remember what number of coat this is, I think it was probably like my second or third coat of single stage paint I can't remember. I think it was my second actually and one thing that I did notice was the overspray was actually pretty manageable, it wasn't too terrible there was. I think for the most part being that this is an inflatable spray booth and it's actually a mobile spray booth as well. I think for the money, I think it presents a really interesting concept as far as being environmentally friendly, because as you guys could see I am painting in between two large buses,or actually one small bus and one 40-foot bus and after I was done spraying this emergency door here on from a bus, I went out to go check the overspray on both of those buses and none of them had overspray which kind of leads, you know kind of tells you how well this thing is actually keep capturing the overspray that that's coming off from you know from painting.
So to be honest I think the mobile spray booth is actually worth the money. I think it represents a really unique environmentally friendly solution to painting outside.You know as you're painting outside especially if you're painting yellow like I am you know that yellow attracts a lot of bugs mosquitoes and you know all sorts of different insects and they love yellow and not only that they love paint as well, so I think this really can't improve somebody that is used to painting outside that is getting a lot of trash and bugs and all that kind of stuff you know painting within the elements I think this is a big upgrade I didn't see any bugs I didn't get any trash which was a you know a big plus for me and not only that this spray booth did really seem to capture a lot of the the overspray, so you know a lot of the but the buses that were next to where I was painting weren't getting any overspray, so that is actually a big plus as well which you know if you're a mobile guy may be painting bumpers or maybe a small dealership where you know you guys don't have a body shop or anything like that because small dealership may be having this inflatable spray booth might benefit somebody's business you know or a mole maybe like I said maybe a mobile repair guy or maple a mobile paint painter or bumper refinisher or whatever you want to call it. yeah I think this really brings something valuable to your business because you know like I said it's you're not getting overspray all over the car so if you're painting multiple parts or multiple bumpers a day or something like that and you're in one location you know you could have those cars lined up right right then and there right outside the booth and not have to worry about the cars getting a bunch of overspray so that is actually a very cool little feature there like I said it's the sealed pretty well for the most part I you know like I said I didn't see that much trash which you know. I was very very happy about now as far as the overspray goes.
Also I got a couple questions from or subscribers of mine also asking about EPA, so this does meet EPA 6H which you know it's basically 98% filter capture at least that's what you know certified that's what they're certified in, and also like it like I said they come with paperwork. So that they're actually proving what they're claiming so that is a big plus they actually have certification proving that you know they do meet that type of requirements one. Last, look at the spray booth from the outside, as you can see, it's actually pretty tall like I said it is a 10 foot by 10 foot by 10 foot so 10 foot wide 10 foot tall 10 foot long as you could see the exhaust filter did a great job on catching a lot of that overspray, and yeah like I said I did go around and feel all the the buses that were nearby of the spray booth to make sure that they didn't have any overspray and you know kind of feel it and usually you can feel that just by rubbing your hand on the if it got any overspray anything and there was none, so I was actually very happy about that now the spray booth does come with two blowers that is what is included at least with my spray booth I did get two blowers included the filters are included as well as you know obviously the the spray booth is going to come, and a couple little extra things I think it comes with like a bag so you can store it in and stuff like that but anyway that's going to be my inflatable spray booth review. Hopefully you guys enjoyed and as always stay spraying.
Mobile spray booth for sale, welcome to inquiry